Thursday, January 27, 2011

When Hot Flashes Occur

During mid life is when most women experience menopause. A woman may experience night sweats and hot flashes which can create less than desirable feelings.
When hot flashes occur many women describe it as an intense heat all over their bodies. There is usually a copious amount of sweating to go along with it.
There is no cure for these symptoms; however there is medication on the market that can help to alleviate them if a woman chooses to take them, otherwise there are other alternatives that can help lessen the degree of their intensity.
Many women remove their clothing and bed sheets at night to keep cool. When the body sweats and it evaporates it creates a cooling effect that will calm the blood and body to make things more comfortable during the night so a woman can rest easier.
Today, a brand called Outlast has created a new technology in the bedding industry. Outlast has created bedding that keeps the body cool at night by drawing the heat away from it to a cooler surface. This prevents the night sweats from occurring. This technology helps women going through menopause to stay cool and dry at night. Outlast has several bedding products on the market including mattresses, pillow cases and bed sheets.
Without getting involved in the technical aspects of this bedding, which is quite complex, it can simply be said that it works according to certain conditions that are present at the time.
Bullet proof vests use a similar technology as this; only the bedding does not react to impact but to heat. It removes heat away from the body toward a cooler surface, thus keeping the body cooler and drier.
Modern technology has definitely improved, especially for the menopausal woman. This technology has helped many women have more comfortable and restful nights, while keeping them dry and cool.

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