Monday, January 31, 2011

Alternative Medications For Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are the first symptoms that are associated with menopause. Though mostly hormone therapy is used to treat the problem, there are some alternative medications also that are followed by women for getting relief from challenge. These alternative medications include:
Black cohosh:
Black cohosh is a popular choice of many women for getting relief from hot flashes. There are evidences that it has been for long used in Europe for the treatment of this disease and has slowly gained popularity among the women who suffer from this menopausal symptom in USA. However there have been very little or almost no evidence to prove that black cohosh acts as a good remedy against the symptoms of heart palpitations, anxiety and headache which are all related to hot flashes.
Natural progesterone:
Natural progesterone is also regarded as an effective remedy to provide relief for this problem and various other related symptoms of menopause in many women. This natural alternative medication is available in various forms such as cream capsule and in the form of Prometrium. The creams and lotions are easily available over the counter.
In the Asian countries soy is regarded as an excellent natural source for estrogen. Therefore women in Asian countries regularly have various by products of soy as part of their diet. It is true that the isoflavones which are estrogen like compounds in soy are helpful in prevented hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms in women. However isoflavones have estrogen-like effects and therefore if any woman is suffering from cancer then she should not be taking soy.
Red clover:
Red clover is also regarded as an excellent source of estrogen for the presence of isoflavones. You can either have isoflavones as pills or have red clover for having relief from hot flashes. Though the cancer patients should first consult the physician before having red clover, experts generally believe that soy or red clover are healthy and safe to consume, if you have it in moderation.
Vitamin E:
This is another good remedy of hot flashes and night sweats. It is revealed in writing in the Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation. Therefore any food which is a natural source of Vitamin E should be consumed regularly for having relief from this problem in a natural way.
However, all these herbal products should be consumed only after consulting a physician. This is because though these are natural products still they might have harmful effects for some women.

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