Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Controlling Hot Flashes

What was so frustrating about menopause was trying to control all of the symptoms that I was having. It seemed like if I got one controlled then another menopause symptom popped up. For a long time, I was worried that this was a never ending cycle. However, some of the symptoms I could deal with, but controlling hot flashes was something that I needed to get handled right away; it was driving me absolutely nuts. I couldn't take it, feeling totally normal one moment and then the next I was turning bright red and sweating uncontrollably, it just wasn't something that was easy to deal with, and in fact it was embarrassing.
For me, at least, it seemed that the hot flashes were the worst menopause symptoms that I had. So, I consulted my doctor to try to get help controlling the situation. But, we went through medication after medication that only seemed to make it worse, or the side effects were out of control. I thought that I was going to be dealing with these menopause symptoms until it was all over, and I didn't know if I could bear to handle this for a year, it was out of control. It was like I was on trial, and every time I would start to turn red or start to sweat, it was obvious that everyone around me knew what was going on. I couldn't live my life like this.
A friend told me about a product called Amberen, and how it had worked so well for her. I was so skeptical, but I checked it out because at this point it couldn't get any worse. I even called a nurse for a free consultation that comes with the product, she was so kind, and explained that this was a great way to try controlling hot flashes and my other menopause symptoms. After a few days on this natural remedy, I could feel a change already. Amberen made menopause bearable.

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