Monday, February 21, 2011

Hot Flashes and Panic Attacks

In our body a gland named hypothalamus acts as a channel between the thalamus and the pituitary gland. It acts as a regulator and controls the temperature of our bodies. It regulates the body temperature with the help of a hormone named estrogen in case of women. Before menopause this particular hormone in women decreases and this problematizes the normal working of the hypothalamus which results in a rise in body temperature and hot flashes in women. Hot flashes can be compared to panic attacks though there are certain differences. Hot flashes and attacks are characterized by symptoms such as rapid breathing, excessive sweating, increased heart rate, nausea, headaches etc.
There are different factors which cause anxiety attacks such as pressure at work, emotional stress, lack of sleep, unhealthy life style, depression, thyroid imbalances, chemical imbalances etc. Once it is realized what are causing it, it will be easier to cure anxiety attacks.
How to deal with
When an attack occurs one should not try to suppress the process but go through the entire process. This way one can learn how to tackle it when it happens next time. As the most famous cause for panic attacks are phobias people tend to avoid it but when they can not avoid it this causes the panic attack to aggravate. The same thing happens in case of stress, depression etc. the best way to deal with it is to try relaxation. Avoiding focus on the cause of the problem and shifting ones focus on something else can help.
How to treat
To cure anxiety attacks the best way is to lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain a proper well balanced diet. The key is to avoid inorganic foods and include lots of organic fresh green vegetables and fruits in ones diet. Fried and oily foods and products rich in caffeine should be excluded from diet. Cigarettes and alcohol should be strictly avoided. To treat bouts of anxiety attacks one should follow strict regimen of workouts and exercises. Meditation and yoga are great ways to deal with these types of attacks.
Generally medications are avoided in the case of panic attacks as medicines only relieve the pain for the time being and the person tends to get depended on the medicines. Cognitive behavioral hormone therapy is a therapy which teaches one how to treat panic attacks and deal with its symptoms. The best way to cure anxiety attacks completely is to be in control of yourself and not to let the tension of having another panic attack take over you. If you are in perfect control panic attacks can be easily left at bay.

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