Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hot Flashes and How to Deal With Them Naturally

Each women experience hot flashes in different way and they can be mild, moderate, or severe. While some women experience hot flashes during the day, particularly of the upper torso and face, others are experiencing discomforts during the night. Due to strong or even problematic menopausal symptoms, some women may need hormonal therapy, while others may just opt for natural remedies in order to manage menopausal symptoms.
In the past, there was only conventional approach, for all women in menopause to provide relief from common menopausal symptoms especially hot flashes. A well known all for one conventional approach was HRT. However, it was found that HRT is not a cure-all solution and it had caused many irreversible side effects. Luckily, nowadays there are also other (non hormonal) natural remedies women in menopause can choose from, as an alternative to HRT.
Gentle, natural, plant-based approach
Maca (Lepidium Meyenii) is a root from Peru, used for centuries as a stable food and as a medicine. As a medicine maca helped women manage menopausal symptoms, such as to relieve hot flashes, vaginal dryness, increase libido. And, there are few good reasons to that.
Maca contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals necessary for women body to produce once again healthy levels of hormones (maca has amazing amount of vitamins, minerals, healthy fatty acids, phytonutrients, amino acids, alkaloids, plant sterols). In addition, alkaloids found in maca act directly on hypothalamus and the pituitary axis, thus improving the functioning of entire endocrine system, especially thyroid and adrenal glands. Also, as an adaptogen maca raises the body's resistance to any kind of stress, helps restore body's energy according to individuals needs and repairs what needs to be repaired.
Maca benefits
  • Provides most important nutrients for hormonal balance
  • Reduces hot flashes during menopause
  • Encourages glands to produce estrogen, progesterone and testosterone hormones according to individual needs
  • Balances the entire endocrine system
  • Increases libido
  • Improves mood swings
  • Reduces depression and anxiety
  • Enhances overall energy levels and stamina
  • Increases mental clarity and concentration
Natural and harmless plant, maca root does not contain any hormones and it does not have drug like effect on the body. Rather, maca encourages and regulates the production of most important ovarian hormones such as estrogen and testosterone and acts as a hormonal balancer, stimulant and toner. With maca women not only experience significant relief in hot flashes, but they also get back their vitality and energy to their life.
Based on individuals' needs or a medical history, it will depend what kind of remedy to apply in order to reduce hot flashes and balance hormones during the menopause. Whatever approach, it should be taken with caution and from the perspective that every woman is unique and as an individual, every women deserves unique individualized approach to treat menopause symptoms especially hot flashes.

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